Build your company value

Follow the 12 step checklist within my prism-shaped digital framework, 'The Digital Lense', to build your business for the post COVID-19 digital era.

  • CUSTOMER: experience, connectivity, market intelligence and connecting the physical.

  • PROPOSITION: monetise data, hyper-personalise, create smart products and services, and your own as-a-service.

  • VALUE CHAIN: augment your workforce, create digital ecosystems, address channel contraction and create predictive automated operations.

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What is digital transformation?


Learn how to integrate online and physical worlds.

Your Instructor

Justin Anderson

Justin advises investors and board members on how digital transformation creates Enterprise Value. He has three decades of global experience working with emerging technologies and digital programmes. He has worked with and held leadership positions with innovative start-ups, Fortune 500 companies and Big 4 consulting firms. Justin advised the leadership of KPMG on the impact of emerging technology on multiple sectors across their international network. Today, as founder and lead strategist at his own company, Anderson Strategy, Justin focuses on driving value from digital transformation, promoting genuine strategic innovation, and generating value for client companies and customers.

Training for the skills of the future

(It's school for life).

"A good teacher armed with technology will allow us to be able to educate the next generation much faster than we can today. Education is not just about schooling and university anymore, but about continued and dedicated training".
computer screens

We've become dependent on technology

(hey Siri!)

"The average US home now has 12 connected devices and it's expected to rise to 20 by 2025. When you are not connected, your life slows down, making it difficult to do what you typically do during your day".
justin anderson lauging while giving interview
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When shooting high-quality live TV, never trust children, animals...or Siri

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