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Blockchains and NFT
CourseNFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been "A Thing" for a while now, but what's the meaning of “NFT”? Are they still a big deal? How relevant are NFTs in today's contemporary marketplace?
Got AI?
BundleEd Wiley dives into all things AI and practical applications
$4.95 / month
Live Better, Longer
Mind + Body
BundleInside the world of US Navy Seal Captain John Doolittle. Goal Setting, Resilience, Burnout, physical rehab and much more.
$4.95 / month
John Doolittle: Goal Setting
CourseLooking to improve the performance and productivity of yourself, your company or your organization? My workshop on creating and achieving goals will help. I am a decorated Navy SEAL Captain (Ret). I will guide your team through the process.
Bill Welter: Smart (Business) Thinking
BundleA community focused on quality thinking in business and society. Comprehensive strategic thinking is fundamental to success. Join me!
$19.95 / month