Get to know Mark.

Mark has delivered for the following brands:

What people are saying about Mark:

"I did want to thank you for a fantastic course. I found it very interesting, it was well structured and I really enjoyed the mix of theory and practical work. I believe I have taken away a lot of positive things from the course and have been able to identify in my private life (as well as work) ways to put the lessons into practice... I would love to extend the course into another phase."

- Marika Calfas, General Manager Planning, Sydney Ports Corporation

"Wow, Mark... This is great stuff. Thank you so much."

Pet Hen Oei, Leadership and Employee Experience (LEE) Head, PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia

"Many thanks for the excellent facilitation, leadership and mentoring/coaching at yesterday's Team Time with our team. I/we look forward to the continuing journey over the balance of the Team Times this year and into the future."

 - Graham Robertson, Managing Director and Vice-President, McCormick Foods Australia

 "I have come to expect nothing less than the entertaining facilitation that Mark excels in delivering each time. It's interesting that I am beginning to take this near perfection for granted."

- Li Chow Tang, Manager People Development, Philips Asia - Pacific Region

"This has been the best training I have participated in throughout my working life and am certainly trying hard at putting into practice the concepts of the course. It has made an impact in our group… Thanks Mark."

 - Filomena Palmer, Project Manager, CitiPower Powercor


"I thought your session was brilliant! Thanks for sharing your insights on leadership. It was very interesting and am sure I will be using some of the learnings at work."

 - Shekhar Narayanaswami, CFO & Director (Operations), Times Innovative Media, India


"Thanks for giving me an opportunity to hear and interact with Mark Oliver yesterday. His session was brilliant. I personally took away many insightful learnings ."

- KS Bhullar, President - Group HR, ANAND Automotive Private, India


"I enjoyed the sessions very much. They were very inspiring, thought-provoking - and fun! They were an example for what experiential learning and self-reflection can bring to us."

 - Dr. Olga Pardo Escher, Human Resources, Personal - Organisationsentwicklung, ETH Zürich

For over 30 years Mark has been helping leaders globally to turn disengaged and unproductive staff into high performing teams.

Talking points & ideas

Mark can work with your company needs to develop talks, workshops and events on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Leadership Versus Management: How to turn low performers into star performers
  • Address The Talent Blindspot: Why some highly intelligent people should never be promoted
  • The Myth of IQ: Why high intelligence is no defence against stupidity
  • The Danger of Hybrid Teams: How to make hybrid teams work at work
  • The Error of Managing Change: Why managing change means leading yourself first
  • The Secret Of Business Success - A Coaching Culture: How to create innovative success at all levels of your organisation
  • From Managing Conflict To Leading Diversity: So you don’t miss the benefits and opportunities of conflict at work
  • How Not To Be Wrong: How to boost all four human intelligences and avoid bad decisions

Mark has also delivered for:

Marks results include:

  • Mark helped Sydney Ports Corporation sell its Botany Bay operation for an extra $3 billion through the MarkTwo Leadership courses it ran through the organisation according to the CEO Grant Gilfillan
  • Mark coached the Director of Sales of an Information Technology SME helped the Sales Director grow the business 1200% in 3 years
  • “Mark Oliver has been an inspiration to my team in helping them gain a greater understanding of themselves and how they impact the teams they lead. One of the outcomes has been the 250% increase in employee engagement” - David Bough, CIO, National Foods

Let Mark help your leaders deliver results.

Meet Mark

Mark Two Consulting - Mark Oliver

Educated at Cambridge University, followed by the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and the Royal School of Military Engineering, Mark began his career as a combat and chemical engineer. He quickly started to get a greater interest in human performance and leadership. His first role was in the Britain’s 5 Airborne Brigade, where he was a jungle warfare and helicopter-abseil instructor, and qualified demolitions officer for 11 years before moving into the business world for twenty years. An author of three books on motivation and leadership, Mark has taught in multicultural environments with 60 different nationalities across six continents.